The 13 Different Types of Content

Are you looking for ways to market your small business? If so, you're in luck! There are a number of content marketing strategies you can use.

Unlike traditional marketing, content marketing focuses on creating and distributing content that is valuable to your target audience. The goal is to attract and retain customers by providing them with useful information.

In this post, we'll discuss some of the most popular types of content used in content marketing strategies. So, what are you waiting for? Read on to find out more!

types of content

Content Marketing Defined

Content marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing online materials (such as social media posts, videos, and blogs) that are intended to promote a brand or product.

The goal of content marketing is to attract and retain customers by providing them with useful and engaging information. In addition to helping businesses build relationships with customers, content marketing can also improve a company's visibility on search engines and generate leads.

To be effective, content marketing must be part of a larger digital marketing plan and supported by a well-defined content strategy. When done right, content marketing can be an invaluable tool for growing a business.

The Different Types of Content Marketing - Overview

Most businesses are aware that their audience spends time online, but they may not be sure how to reach them. Content marketing is a helpful way to engage internet users and turn them into potential customers.

By providing valuable information, businesses can attract new leads and convert them into customers. There are many different types of content marketing, and each has its own advantages.

For example, e-courses can provide a comprehensive overview of a topic, while a YouTube video can be a quick and easy way to communicate complex ideas. Presentations and podcasts are also popular options, and starting your own podcast is becoming increasingly popular as well.

Ultimately, the best type of content marketing will depend on the audience and the business goals.

This post will break down some of the most popular types of content marketing and how to get started with each type.

1 - Social Media Posts

There's no doubt that social media is a powerful marketing tool. But with so many social platforms and so much online content, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, there are some simple content marketing tips that can help you get the most out of social media posts.

First, consider which social media platforms are most relevant to your business. Not all platforms will be equally useful for every business, so it's important to choose the ones that will relate to your potential and existing customers.

Once you've identified your platform(s), you can start creating social campaigns that promote your brand and engage your customers.

Make sure to use visual content in your social media marketing. Posts with images or videos are more likely to capture attention and drive engagement than plain text posts. And don't forget to mix things up - vary your content to keep things fresh and interesting for your followers.

This article will act as a how-to guide to start using various types of content marketing in your business.

Here are the most popular types of content:

2 - E-courses

One content format that is often overlooked is the e-course. E-courses are a great way to build an online business.

Not only do they provide valuable content, but they also help to build a community around your brand. And in the digital age, the community is everything.

If you're thinking about creating an e-course, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, choose a content format that you're comfortable with. If you're not a video person, there's no need to force yourself to create video content.

You can just as easily create an e-course in audio or text format. The most important thing is that you're providing valuable content that your audience will enjoy.

Another thing to keep in mind is that e-courses don't have to be limited to one content format. You can mix and match different content formats to create a course that's truly unique.

For example, you could start with an audio intro, followed by a few blog posts, and then finish up with a video conclusion. This would give your audience multiple ways to consume the content and learn from it.

Creating an e-course is a great way to build an online business. Just remember to focus on providing value and building community, and you'll be well on your way to success.

3 - Infographics

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And that's especially true when it comes to content marketing.

Infographics are a quick and easy way to communicate complex ideas. They're also highly shareable, which means they have the potential to reach a wide audience.

If you're thinking about creating an infographic, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience.

You also need to make sure that the infographic is well-designed and easy to understand. No one wants to read an infographic that is difficult to follow.

Once you've created your infographic, be sure to promote it on social media and other channels. This will help to ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience.

By following these simple tips, you can create infographics that are both informative and visually appealing. So get started today and see the results for yourself!

4 - Presentations

Like infographics, presentations are a quick and easy way to communicate complex ideas. They're also great for promoting your brand and engaging your audience.

When creating a presentation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience.

You also need to make sure that the presentation is well-organized and easy to follow. No one wants to sit through a presentation that is difficult to understand.

Once you've created your presentation, be sure to promote it on social media and other channels. This will help to ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience.

By following these simple tips, you can create presentations that are both informative and engaging. So get started today and see the results for yourself!

5 - E-mail Marketing

Email marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. When used correctly, email marketing can help to build sales funnels, generate leads, and increase sales.

In order to make the most of email marketing, businesses must first understand their target market and audience segments. Email lists are often generated through a "lead magnet." Lead magnets are freebies in which potential customers provide their email in exchange for valuable content such as a short informational e-book or pdf.

Once you know who you are trying to reach, you can then create content that is designed to appeal to them. This content can be used to generate leads and sales and should be included in every email. In addition, it is important to track the results of your email marketing efforts so that you can continue to improve your strategies.

6 - Newsletters

Newsletters are a type of written content that businesses can use to build relationships with their customers and target market. Newsletters are typically sent out on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, and include valuable information that is relevant to the reader.

For example, a business that sells gardening tools may include tips on how to choose the right tools for the job, or a company that specializes in home renovations may provide an update on the latest trends in home design.

In addition to providing valuable content, newsletters can also be used as a sales tool, directing readers to specific products or services that may be of interest.

By building a relationship with their customers and providing valuable information, businesses can use newsletters to help build their brand and grow their business.

7 - Blogging

If you're looking to start a content marketing campaign, one of the best places to begin is with long-form blog posts. Not only are they a great way to provide value for your audience, but they can also help build your business in a number of ways.

For starters, long-form blog posts can be used as landing pages to drive traffic to your website. By including a call to action at the end of the post, you can encourage readers to take action that will benefit your business.

In addition, long-form blog posts can help you build inbound links from other websites. This is valuable because it not only helps improve your search engine ranking but also drives targeted traffic back to your site.

Lastly, long-form blog posts are a great way to establish yourself as an expert on a particular subject. By providing insights and perspectives that are not available elsewhere, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Ultimately, blog posts offer a lot of value for businesses of all sizes. So if you're looking to get started with content marketing, be sure to include them in your strategy.

8 - Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to reach a broader audience and build your brand. When done right, it can also be a powerful tool for generating new leads and customers. But what exactly is guest blogging, and how can you use it to grow your business?

Guest blogging is simply the act of writing blog content for another person or organization's blog. In most cases, the guest blogger will write a post for the host blogger's site in exchange for promotion on the guest blogger's own site or social media channels.

The key to successful guest blogging is to produce quality content that will appeal to the host blogger's audience. If you can do this, then you can significantly expand your reach and bring new readers to your own blog or website.

There are a few things to keep in mind when guest blogging, such as making sure that your content is relevant and useful to the host blogger's audience, being respectful of their guidelines, and promoting your own blog or website in a way that doesn't come across as spammy.

If utilized correctly, guest blogging can be an immensely powerful tool for growing your business.

9 - Podcasts

Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they offer a unique opportunity for businesses to reach their target audience.

When choosing a podcast to guest on, it is important to select one that appeals to your target market or niche. By appearing on a relevant podcast, you can introduce potential customers to your business and begin to build relationships with them.

Additionally, podcasts provide an opportunity to share success stories and showcase your expertise. Appearing as a guest on a related podcast can reach a new audience which will, in turn, help build your business.

10 - Video Content

If you're looking for a content marketing guide to help you get started with using video content, you've come to the right place. Video content is a great way to build your business and connect with potential customers.

The only downside is that it can be time-consuming and expensive to produce high-quality videos. However, the investment is often worth it, as videos can be extremely effective in promoting your products or services. consider starting a Youtube channel and posting regular videos.

You can also embed a Youtube video on your website or blog. In this visual world, video marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your business.

11 - Interactive Content

This marketing tactic will help you stand out from your competitors and attract attention from your target audience, interactive content is a great option.

Also known as participatory or engagement marketing, interactive content is any type of content that encourages users to take part in the experience. This can include anything from quizzes and polls to more immersive experiences like 360-degree video or virtual reality.

So why should you consider using interactive content as part of your marketing strategy? For one thing, it's a great way to engage with your target audience and build relationships.

It can also help you learn more about your customers and what they're interested in. Additionally, interactive content is often shared more widely on social media, which can help to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started with interactive content marketing. Rock Content created a list of some of the best resources for creating interactive content.

If you're still not sure whether interactive content is right for your business, feel free to contact us for more information. We'd be happy to chat with you about your specific marketing goals and how we can help you create interactive content for your business.

12 - E-books

E-books are a great content marketing tool that can help you build your business. They can be used as part of a sales funnel to generate leads, or they can be used to provide valuable information to customers at various stages of their journey.

Additionally, E-books can be used to create downloadable templates and resources that your customers will find useful. By providing high-quality and informative E-books, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, and ultimately drive sales.

If you're looking for a content marketing strategy that will help you grow your business, consider using E-books. With the right approach, they can be an invaluable asset in your sales and marketing efforts.

types of content

13 - Website Content

A landing page is a website's main tool for generating leads and converting visitors into customers. The landing page is the first thing potential customers see when they visit your website, so it's important to make a good impression.

The landing page should be focused on your company's profile and lead generation. It should be easy to navigate and should include a call-to-action that encourages visitors to sign up for your mailing list or download your company's brochure.

If you're looking to build a successful business, then you need to focus on content marketing. Content marketing is all about creating valuable, relevant, and engaging content that your target audience will appreciate.

By using website content to provide valuable information, you can build trust and credibility with your potential customers. You can also use website content to generate leads and convert visitors into customers.

So if you're looking to build a successful business, then make sure you focus on creating great content.

Benefits of Using Different Types of Content Marketing

High-quality content is the key to success for any business that wants to use content marketing as one of its marketing tactics. There are different types of high-quality content, such as blog articles, infographics, videos, etc.

All of these can help businesses achieve their marketing goals, whether it is to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or even close sales. However, creating content can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort from the marketing team.

Therefore, it is important to consider the different types of high-quality content and choose the ones that are most suited to the business’s goals and target audience. Only then can businesses make the most out of their content marketing efforts.

Breaking Down the Content Creation Process

Marketing teams often need to create content for a variety of purposes, from blog posts and social media updates to ebooks and white papers. The process of creating this content can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.

By breaking down the content creation process into its component parts, you can make the task more manageable.

The first step is to define your audience and your objectives. What type of content will appeal to your target market? What are you trying to achieve with your content marketing efforts? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start to gather data.

This can include customer surveys, competitive analysis, and Google Analytics data. With this information in hand, you can begin to develop a content strategy that meets the needs of your audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals.

Helpful Websites and Tools for Content Creation

You don't have to start creating content from scratch. There are a number of websites and tools that can help you with the content creation process:


This helpful tool allows you to research the keywords that your target audience is searching for, which you can use to create high-quality content for potential customers.


This website is a great resource for finding out what questions people are asking in your industry. By answering these questions in your content, you can provide valuable information to your target audience.


If you're looking for help with the design and layout of your content, then consider using Canva. This user-friendly tool allows you to create professional-looking designs without the need for a graphic designer.


This tool provides you with insights into what content is performing well on social media, so you can become inspired by the success of others and find great ideas for your own content.

Repurpose Different Content Marketing Types for Greater ROI

As a small business owner, you know that content marketing is essential to driving leads and sales. But what you may not realize is that you can get more bang for your buck by repurposing your content.

For example, if you create a video for Youtube, you can also post the audio on a podcast platform like iTunes or create a transcript to use as a blog post.

By repurposing your content, you can reach a wider audience with your message and get more leads and sales as a result. And the best part is that it doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive to do.

So if you're looking for ways to improve your ROI, consider repurposing your content marketing types.


So there you have it: a helpful crash course in all things content marketing. As we mentioned before, the goal of content marketing is to attract and retain customers by creating and curating valuable, relevant, and consistent content with the intention of changing or improving customer behavior.

All the different types of content can be utilized in your content marketing strategy, including social media posts, e-books, blog posts, videos, podcasts, website copy, and more.

Content marketing can be a great way to build a successful business, but it requires careful planning and execution. The key is to mix up your content so that you’re not just creating one type of asset for your audience but rather a variety that will help them get to know, like, and trust your brand.

Not sure where to start? That’s okay! We specialize in helping businesses create amazing written content to help grow their business. Contact us today to chat about how we can help grow your business through killer copy.


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How Content Marketing Can Help Your Business