Content Marketing Can Save Your Home Renovation Company

Attracting new business and holding onto it can be quite a challenge if you are in the home renovation industry. You can find yourself held hostage by variables outside your control. For instance, as the house marketing declines, fewer homeowners feel the need to update their properties if they won’t sell anyway. Therefore, you need to pull in as much as the available market as possible.

Bear in mind that it’s not just homeowners looking to use the services of a renovation company. Contractors, vendors, and folks looking to “do it themselves” can still benefit from talking to a renovator. But maybe you feel as if you’ve eliminated every option in how you market your company. After all, there is only so much time in the day that you can dedicate to showing off your line of services.

Perhaps, rather than marketing more, you would benefit from marketing smarter. These days, content marketing has taken the world by storm. Instead of marketing your services, consider selling the world that surrounds home improvement. It's all fine and dandy to say that you can renovate a bathroom but it’s a whole other thing to show buyers the possibilities they’re missing out on.

Check out how content marketing can save your business!

What Content Market Means for You

If you are unfamiliar with the term, content marketing is a strategy to drum up interest in a product or service. It works by generating content that relates to your business without simply advertising what you are selling. In the world of home renovation, the countless number of Pinterest posts sharing the top ten kitchen layouts is a prime example of this strategy. While Pinterest isn’t actually linking to a company selling those remodels, it does show off what people don’t even realize they need.

For you, the goal is to replace Pinterest with your own content. You want to build an audience interested in the full range of options that exist within the world of home improvement. People often don’t even realize they want something before they’ve seen it. That’s why simply advertising that you can do kitchen remodels will not be as effective as listing five of your hottest designs.

The Limitations to Advertising Home Renovations

One of the main drawbacks of advertising campaigns is that you can’t get your information out to the audiences you want it to reach. Throwing money into a local ad campaign that simply broadcasts a commercial isn’t targeting anyone who is actually looking to invest in home improvement. This is particularly detrimental if you are offering discounts or sales. By the time some looking to renovate finds your ad, they’ll likely have already missed the deal.

How Content Marketing Can Help

With content marketing, you’ll jump ahead of the curve by laying out information that consumers can easily access. Someone looking to renovate their home will likely have already done some research into what they want. By peppering the perfect number of keywords into your content, consumers can quickly and easily find your services.

For example, if you are trying to drum up business to sell more attic renovations, rather than simply paying for a campaign showing that you do these renovations, you’ll find a more targeted audience by developing content on how to turn attics into a man cave, a walk-in closet, or a spare game room.

From here, you can build a community around the idea of home improvement. Send out a newsletter or make a blog with regular posts sharing new renovation ideas, top ten lists, or even broader information such as how to throw an awesome party in your brand-new kitchen. You see, a basic advertisement isn’t going to keep anyone around after they’ve already made a purchase. With content marketing, they’ll keep coming back to hear more of your ideas.

How To Target Specific Audiences

If you’re looking to get specific in who you do business with, it’s quite easy with content marketing. Let’s say the housing market takes a sudden upturn and selling becomes all the rage. To tap into the market of homeowners looking to quickly renovate before they sell, you can develop content with them in mind.

For example, you could make a series of posts showing how to get a house up to selling standards. Homeowners who read the post will then feel inclined to invest a little into home improvement before they approach a real estate agent. By linking in your company, you can gain a profit from someone who was already looking to renovate their house.

Another good way to go about this is to be seasonal with your content. In the summer, consider writing posts about how to install a swimming pool, adding a new deck, or the benefits of a screen porch. In the winter, you can talk about new insulation, double glazed windows, an electric fireplace, or even common roofing issues caused by inclement weather. 

The goal is to reach customers interested in something specific, draw them in, and then hold their attention long enough to get them in the door.


If your home renovation company has been struggling to bring in new customers, it might be time to rethink how you market your services. Simply flooding the local broadcasting station with ads about home improvement likely won’t reach your audience in a targeted way. This can end up being expensive and inefficient. Instead, consider implementing content marketing into your campaign.

By building a community around your services, you’ll hold onto customers longer and be able to target exactly the type of buyers you are looking for. People generally don’t want to be spoon-fed advertising. Instead, show them the world of possibilities they are missing out on and they will make the right choice. Give the people the information that they want!


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